GEKKO MOSH Lotus B PostPlant & Dizzy to clear mid & partial B main.
I have lineups for both Dizzy and Mosh, Showing the B lineups for now until I take a SS of the others.
I also have tips for his dizzy, thrash, mosh, and wingman.
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Hold on, this might take a minute. It's my first time doing it with images instead of a video. I would make a video but I don't have an editing software at the moment other than medal but it only posts 2m clips.

For this first lineup, you align the tippy top part of the the mosh "throw signs" with the back of the bottom face of the sculpture. You throw, run or walk with gun out to the waterfall B entrance, then peek whoever might be on spike. This works best when spike is planted in a certain spot. Look at the moshpit landing screenshot, and look at the middle of the molly, (Open spot in the middle left of yellow), and plant right there in that spot I didn't cover on that screenshot. You can peek whoever might be on it, you can throw dizzy from behind that wall, hitting the wall infront at a little over head level, which comes back to you and bounces off the floor when falling. You can also wrap to spawn/upper B, and stand against the left wall before entering the cubby, looking a little higher than the gap in the roof, and toss dizzy while running and jumping. He will go to the left&above B, scanning/blinding people on the spike & midsite/close b main.

This is lineup 2&3, and where to stand.
#1 is lineup 2, it lands in the same spot. It covers bottom of site, half of top site, and part of left site. This & lineup three are great for anyone B main or waterfall(where you'll be).
#2 is the position for both of these. walk against the wall pressing "A", then slow-walk forward while looking down until you're on the corner and to the right about an inch ingame.
#3 is lineup 3. Align the things like i said, then it will land on the stairs under B top on the side with the breakable door. It covers anyone trying to push out of that A-door cubby, and all of that bottom site from under-top to the wall on the other side. for length, it covers from ontop of woodenbox & door cubby, to where the stair/steps start on the otherside of site.
These are super easy and took me 3 minutes to learn. as soon as I found them, I learned them and it only took a few mins. You can learn these pretty quick aswell. They might not always be needed, but anytime you want to flank on C while your team pushes B, you can use one of these.