25 Replies
please read the #How To Ask Good Questions thread
what i see when its tabbed in and what i see when the tab is resized even a bit. yeah the waves been waving around the page xD

so my question is how to align the waves always as it is shown in picture 2
yeah i was getting into the question mb didnt quite know how to insert 2 images in first post message
we'll still need code to be able to help 🙂
btw since the media images dont load is there any tag to insert splash images instead to better show my point?
in codepen ^
you can replace the source with an unsplash url or https://picsum.photos/640/480
replace the numbers with the resolution you want, it's a random image every time
oh the neseccary images are background images so i probably wont be needing to set the resolution because of background cover
so how do i remove the resolution?
you have to set one, I think... just pick whatever's sensible
my friend suggested this "https://unsplash.it/1000" for random splash images. im using it for the background images xd
https://codepen.io/CosyXD/pen/WNgdjog so here's the code
stop using position to position stuff on your page. I know how it sounds but trust me on this 🙂
Its so tempting when learning and you think oh thats how I can do layouts and so bad at the same time xD
if that wave is suppose to be a part of the header then put in the header not in the next section 🙂
how do i position it then xd
whats wrong with using positions if you dont mind answering

also whenever i create a new element like section and div it links to the about section
i dont want it to be part of the about section and rather below the aboout section and link to the body
let me be clear avoid using position for layout purposes there is flexbox and grid for that
you can see what is wrong by looking at the images op posted
you run into isusse like those when using position to layout stuff on your page
how'd you position it like that without using position?
it's just part of the flow, I think?
like, it's the next element after the header, so it's right underneath it
yes i just put it where i wanted it to display in html
The best rule to remember is that you should hint at the browser where things should be, not tell it explicitly. Use relative values, use the HTML structure, use things like flex and grid if you need to, but generally (and that's a big "it depends") avoid absolute positioning unless you really need it
have you followed Kevin's course Conquering Responsive Layouts? If not, it's free, and it might help you learn more ways to get the layouts you want
i ought to learn how to use grid too
it's a good tool, yeah