C#17mo ago

❔ Blazor high frequency UI changes

When working with Blazor. I have a table that contains data and control components. These rows have child rows that also contain a control and some data. The data in the child rows is updated frequently via signal r which in turn causes a lot of statehaschanged events and frezes the table. Is there a pattern I should be using to avoid this issue?
3 Replies
Jimmacle17mo ago
it sounds like you need to throttle updates to the UI, either for the individual updates or buffering them and updating them all in one go
diddydemon17mo ago
Yeah thats the current plan. Cache the last updated state and push that view to the table every 2s. Was just wondering if I missed a trick somewhere. Currently the signal r handler pushes new data every 0.2 sec on average for all 20 childrows that are rendered. I'm just having to adopt eventual consistency for this "real-time" data to get usable controls essentially
Accord17mo ago
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