jstone 7474 I chatted with Jorge the

@.jstone I chatted with Jorge the other night about working on improving build scheduling, triggering downstream builds, etc well, i haven't got too far, but i did learn something possibly helpful for that and/or other github action workflow... I know your build workflows have several cases of using step output in subsequent steps, but I was trying to use job output to gate and/or provide context to the next job. Really the idea is to have a single job that can decide if things should proceed before spawning the matrix jobs. Here's what I came up with: https://github.com/bsherman/ucore-kmods/blob/main/.github/workflows/build.yml#L19-L51 You may know that trick, but it took me a while to sort it out so I wanted to share.
14 Replies
bshermanOP•2y ago
the key items are defining job outputs, which the >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT populates and using needs: jobId in the gated job
jstone•2y ago
The tricky part about akmods isn't necessarily whether to rebuild whenever an akmod is updated. It's really whether to know whether to build on a kernel update due to how frequently the kernel package changes on a given day. What we could do is have a ublue-os/akmods image that has builds triggered whenever ublue-os/main gets updated, which will generate akmod RPMs as part of a buildcache as well as having an installer script for downstream images like ublue-os/nvidia to use. This script can check if the downstream image has a matching kernel for the akmod RPM, and if it does then install it as a "cache hit", otherwise it'll 'cache miss" by building an akmod from source
bshermanOP•2y ago
Yep. I 100% agree the main complexity is in the decision of build or not build based on kernel changes. I didn't really mean this comment to be specific about akmods though, simply that I had a hard time finding an example of a "first" job which would gate a more complex matrix job and then, if successful, provide input to said matrix job.
jstone•2y ago
Is there not a release-monitoring.org entry for akmods-nvidia?
bshermanOP•2y ago
https://release-monitoring.org/project/5454/ There's the base project and it does have a mapping for RPM Fusion
nvidia · Anitya
Monitoring project releases
bshermanOP•2y ago
yep, i understand, i was trying to dig through the data provided by release-monitoring.org ... hopeful that since they mapped the 'nvidia' project to RPM Fusion, maybe they'd have the related data, but i don't see anything useful
jstone•2y ago
Considering build.sh script can pass this along to the next build step with a vars file that can be added with source, we can generalize this a bit with an earlier job that builds nvidia for each Fedora release and driver stream and has them cached in a builder image for later steps https://github.com/ublue-os/nvidia/blob/main/build.sh
nvidia/build.sh at main · ublue-os/nvidia
Fedora variants with Nvidia drivers added. Contribute to ublue-os/nvidia development by creating an account on GitHub.
jstone•2y ago
TBH I wanted to do this earlier, but rpm-ostree was quite finicky in having me cache RPMs so we'll likely still have to download a bunch of RPMs with each variant. But it's still going to be faster than the 5-7 minutes spent building akmods
bshermanOP•2y ago
Yes, definitely faster to not rebuild them. I see the vars file you are already creating, but it's not getting used anywhere yet, correct?
jstone•2y ago
It gets passed in for install.sh
bshermanOP•2y ago
ah, ok i see ... i was overlooking the relevant COPY
jstone•2y ago
The containerfile is structured as build (build akmods) -> install (install RPMs) -> post-install (do anything that can't be done with rpm-ostree directly)
bshermanOP•2y ago
my turn to get back to my "real job" 🙂

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