If someone uses noclip to move, but are not passive. Are they cheating?

Think they do and have reported players, but just want to be sure I'm doing the right thing here. I'm talking about a player quickly moving to your location, kills you and then fast travels to another player to kill them.
5 Replies
Robotic3y ago
Report the player and a staff member will look into it
JetzeOP3y ago
Thanks. Can you confirm that noclipping without passive is not expected? New to FiveM and new to this server.
Tomarski3y ago
That would be ICM yes, make sure to do what Robotic instructed above You can also record a clip if you can and make a player report ticket in #tickets
JetzeOP3y ago
Thanks. I'll just report them, that's easier. Thanks for the confirmation.
Robotic3y ago
It could* be. Hence why staff need to investigate.

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