C#17mo ago

❔ Infer the second generic type from input data

I am wondering if its possible to write the following code in some way that it works like I want it to. My goal is to specify a class and an argument. The function should then create the class and pass the argument to it.
Execute<MyValidator0>(someData0); // Does not work, any way to change it so I can call it like this?
Execute<MyValidator1, MyDataType>(someData1); // Works

void Execute<V, Arg>(Arg argument) where V:IValidator<Arg>, new()
var instance = new V();
Execute<MyValidator0>(someData0); // Does not work, any way to change it so I can call it like this?
Execute<MyValidator1, MyDataType>(someData1); // Works

void Execute<V, Arg>(Arg argument) where V:IValidator<Arg>, new()
var instance = new V();
6 Replies
TheRanger17mo ago
ur method can only accept 2 generic arguments, create another one that accepts a single generic argument
Ole17mo ago
How would one do that when the first generic arguemtn requires the second? void Execute<v<arg>>(arg argument) is not valid from my understanding
TheRanger17mo ago
is there a reason u dont want to pass the 2nd generic argument?
Ole17mo ago
Partly to make it look neater, but I am also really curious if its possible
TheRanger17mo ago
not afaik
Accord17mo ago
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