✅ Index was outside of bounds of the array

I've written a Morse Code translator, and it pretty much works 100% besides the fact it throws an exception "Index was outside of bounds of the array " every time I try to convert from Morse Code to English. The code uses dictionarys and the TryGetValue method to do the conversion.
9 Replies
TypicalSoldierOP2y ago
int index = 0; for (int morseIndex = 0; morseIndex <= morseInput.Length; morseIndex++) { string[] letterTokens = morseInput.Split(null); char englishOutput; morseToEnglishDictionary.TryGetValue(letterTokens[index], out englishOutput); morseOutputTextBox.AppendText(englishOutput.ToString()); index++; }
.logik.2y ago
Probably should be morseIndex < morseInput.Length in the for condition. If you have 5 objects your loop will run 6 times for index = 0,1,2,3,4,5. If you change it to < instead of <= then it will only run 5 times. However the way the index variable is redundant because thats what the morseIndex is doing. Also there are operations that you're performing in the loop that only need to be executed once such as morseInput.Split and declaring the char variable. You can look to move them outside the loop to improve the efficiency
TypicalSoldierOP2y ago
Thanks, I'll try that. I only added the index outside to try the loop to just try something to get rid of the exception lol I changed it to a while loop and I keep getting the index out of bounds exception char englishOutput; string[] letterTokens = morseInput.Split(null); int morseIndex = 0; while (morseIndex < morseInput.Length) { morseToEnglishDictionary.TryGetValue(letterTokens[morseIndex], out englishOutput); morseOutputTextBox.AppendText(englishOutput.ToString()); morseIndex++; }
.logik.2y ago
Can you share the sample input that you're using?
TypicalSoldierOP2y ago
- . ... - is what i'm trying to convert to english, it should be "test"
.logik.2y ago
Oh I've figured it out morseInput.Length is the number of characters in the string but you're splitting based on tokens and iterating over the tokens so you should use letterTokens.Length to limit your loop I still think a for loop is preferred here even better is probably a foreach loop
foreach (string s in letterTokens) {
morseToEnglishDictionary.TryGetValue(s, out englishOutput);
foreach (string s in letterTokens) {
morseToEnglishDictionary.TryGetValue(s, out englishOutput);
but hopefully you understand the problem you were having before?
TypicalSoldierOP2y ago
thank you so much!!! my gut feeling knew it was something with the .length i was using yes, it was because i was trying to use the length of the string which is very different than the length of the token i owe you 1!!! 🙂
.logik.2y ago
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