C#2y ago

❔ Better way to do this random password generation program

This program generates a random password then removes duplicates and excludes some chars. I need suggestion on how to make it more efficient
Console.Write("Length of pass : ");
int len = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
string password = RandomPassword<string>(new List<string> { upper, lower, number, symbol }, len);
string uniquePassword = DuplicateRemoval<string>(password);
string exclude = ExcludeSimilarChar(uniquePassword);
Console.WriteLine("Password: " + uniquePassword);
Console.WriteLine("After Excluding:" + exclude);
static string RandomPassword<T>(List<T> x, int len)
Random rand = new Random();
char[] password = new char[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
string set_select = x[i % x.Count].ToString();
int random_value = rand.Next(set_select.Length);
password[i] = set_select[random_value];
return new string(password);

static string DuplicateRemoval<T>(T str)
HashSet<char> set = new HashSet<char>();
string password = str.ToString();
for (int i = 0; i < password.Length; i++)
char c = password[i];
if (!set.Add(c))
char newChar;
newChar = RandomPassword<string>(new List<string> { upper, lower, number, symbol }, 1)[0];
} while (!set.Add(newChar));
password = password.Remove(i, 1).Insert(i, newChar.ToString());
return password;
static string ExcludeSimilarChar<T>(T str)
List<char> unwanted = new List<char>() { 'L', 'l', 'o', 'O', '7', '1', '0' };
string password = str.ToString();
string result = "";
foreach(char c in password)
result += c;
return result;
static string lower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
static string number = "0123456789";
static string symbol = "!@#$%^&*()";
Console.Write("Length of pass : ");
int len = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
string password = RandomPassword<string>(new List<string> { upper, lower, number, symbol }, len);
string uniquePassword = DuplicateRemoval<string>(password);
string exclude = ExcludeSimilarChar(uniquePassword);
Console.WriteLine("Password: " + uniquePassword);
Console.WriteLine("After Excluding:" + exclude);
static string RandomPassword<T>(List<T> x, int len)
Random rand = new Random();
char[] password = new char[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
string set_select = x[i % x.Count].ToString();
int random_value = rand.Next(set_select.Length);
password[i] = set_select[random_value];
return new string(password);

static string DuplicateRemoval<T>(T str)
HashSet<char> set = new HashSet<char>();
string password = str.ToString();
for (int i = 0; i < password.Length; i++)
char c = password[i];
if (!set.Add(c))
char newChar;
newChar = RandomPassword<string>(new List<string> { upper, lower, number, symbol }, 1)[0];
} while (!set.Add(newChar));
password = password.Remove(i, 1).Insert(i, newChar.ToString());
return password;
static string ExcludeSimilarChar<T>(T str)
List<char> unwanted = new List<char>() { 'L', 'l', 'o', 'O', '7', '1', '0' };
string password = str.ToString();
string result = "";
foreach(char c in password)
result += c;
return result;
static string lower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
static string number = "0123456789";
static string symbol = "!@#$%^&*()";
2 Replies
Pobiega2y ago
duplication removal actually just hurts your entropy value and you shouldn't need to "remove similar", that should be done automatically by not including those values in your possible generated ones 🙂 I'm also not sure why these are generic, they don't seem to actually take advantage of being generic at all
Accord2y ago
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