Front end projects where its only empty divs, full of css and js. how is it done? without content

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i saw this project online, how is it done? content is deleted after styling and adding js ? or a developer will start with this empty divs and hope its will work at the end?
11 Replies
rishit17mo ago
cud u send the link for this i hv a felling what this cud be can confirm with the link They might hv a frame work like react producing the html
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Unknown User17mo ago
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Avinash17mo ago
yeah i understood that, but my question is how css is being done without having content html ?? think
rishit17mo ago
The html is being added thru js but they dont hv a framework so basically there is no html in the file but the browser is reading html as it has been inserted thru js
Avinash17mo ago
yeah i understand the js part.. initially we only do html and css, without content we cant properly visualize the end results
rishit17mo ago
i dont get what u r tryna say
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Unknown User17mo ago
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Avinash17mo ago
ok let me redefine.... initially we code HTML with its content like h1, p etc, then we use CSS to style these elements add hovereffects etc. then we add JS functionality to change things....... but here there is no content to begin with, there is a css property for heading tag with a set size of 3rem, without content how are you going to visualize it, maybe its a way too big or way too small etc.. i hope this clears up
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Unknown User17mo ago
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Avinash17mo ago
ok, now i understood im doing something similar but with weather app. so i will do the same