C#3y ago

❔ S3 Buckets over HTTP? Is it ok?

I want to implement file exchanging in my messanger app (videos, photos). In the examples I see people write memorystreams to bytes arrays and return them, is this a normal practice?
7 Replies
bookuhaOP3y ago
Please me explain a normal flow of the file upload/unload!
phaseshift3y ago
What don't you get about the examples you've seen?
bookuhaOP3y ago
Well, having my main monolithic app to do this kind of work, I guess But, seemingly, it is not really neccessary. I can do this any way, and use buckets as a storage, and return either stream of bytes or a file location on the bucket Or just make my app serve files
phaseshift3y ago
Context is important, and you're not giving much. I also don't know what your question is
bookuhaOP3y ago
Oh, sorry. I develop a monolithic REST API Messanger app, and there might be a need in file transfer, and I wonder how it is usually done in this kind of applications And I wonder, if it is proper to send 5-100 MB videos over HTTP
phaseshift3y ago
How else are you going to get it to an S3 bucket?
Accord2y ago
Looks like nothing has happened here. I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.

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