522 errors on Pages site

Hi, I just deployed a new Pages site and although commits I made yesterday built and published fine, I pushed a new commit which redeployed the site and now I'm getting 522 errors on my Pages site, both on the .pages.dev address and a custom domain that was successfully linked to it earlier. I tried deleting and re-creating the site, but I still got 522 errors or sometimes 523 errors each time I load the site. I'm confused why this is happening as the Cloudflare status page doesn't mention any outages (although this issue is similar to the one from 3 days ago) and Cloudflare should be the origin server, so its very unlikely it's actually offline...
17 Replies
Chaika3y ago
Are you using a framework / functions in adv. mode that may be erroring out? Or just a static site? What is your pages.dev url / project link?
milkey_mouseOP3y ago
I was using a function, but the same function was working fine before. I tried removing the function and it didn't make any difference. When I tail the function logs as I make requests nothing shows up, function or no.
Chaika3y ago
Outside of that function, is your site static, or using a framework? If your site is open source that would help as well, no worries if it's not though. Your latest build shows as "Production" and not preview, right? I assume so if it worked before, but just want to double check
milkey_mouseOP3y ago
Static, I'm not sure what you mean by "framework" I got rid of the one function I had for troubleshooting anyway The latest build is prod yes
Chaika3y ago
Framework like Astro/Qwik/Remix that do their function stuff, for ssr or else.
milkey_mouseOP3y ago
I'm just serving a static site, not using any of those--and I think if I were using one and the workers were actually timing out, I'd hear about it when I tail worker logs with wrangler
Chaika3y ago
Yea, a worker erroring out shouldn't throw a timeout error either even with Pages as far as I know. There's no active issues with Pages right now that I know of, I just tested a new pages project and deploying a new version of an old pages project and both worked without issue. I believe in the past 522 with pages.dev sites have happened when you don't have any active production build (i.e you only deployed to Preview), or in the case of the issue a few days ago. Does the preview link for that build (the <githash>.unoriginal.pages.dev) work for you? You already tried a new build, I would also try rolling back to the last working build (three dots on the right side -> roll back to production)
milkey_mouseOP3y ago
That doesn't work either, same sort of error on the hash subdomain. I can't roll back to a working build because one of my early troubleshooting steps was to completely delete and recreate the pages project I tried reverting to a known good commit and that gets the same sort of error now
Chaika3y ago
ahh ok so it's a brand new pages project. But still, with a successful build on Production? You'll need to rebind/readd the custom domain btw, although that shouldn't prevent your pages.dev from working
milkey_mouseOP3y ago
Yes, I did that; the custom domain isn't any more broken than the pages.dev one as you suggest As far as I can tell there are several successful prod builds and no non-prod ones
Chaika3y ago
There are more logs / information CF Pages Staff could see, but it's late est right now, I did raise the issue to them. Can you share a screenshot of your deployments tab? It might help debug the issue / might spot something If you need your site working right now, I would try just zipping it and throwing it up on a new pages project with a different name on direct upload. Would remove a number of potential factors that could be breaking things.
milkey_mouseOP3y ago
The site isn't super important, I was just getting it set up yesterday anyway. Thanks for forwarding this to Cloudflare staff
Chaika3y ago
Thanks! Yea that looks fine, will poke someone tomorrow at more sane times for them and try to get some answers. I don't think the error is anything on your end.
ngo3y ago
Hi everyone, I might be experiencing a similar issue. Specifically, I used npm create hono@latest hono-my-app and pushed the result to GitHub. I then built and deployed it from the Cloudflare dashboard using the Next.js edge runtime, but encountered a 522 error. If it helps as a reference.
ngo3y ago
Walshy3y ago
@milkey_mouse @sasau you both should be good now
milkey_mouseOP3y ago

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