How to theme when using CSS modules?

So, I'm currently working on a pitch to dig deep into the guts of and tear out all the Chakra UI. Replace it instead with semantic HTML & class and id-based matched CSS modules as parsed by whatever. The visual appearance of the page is contained solely in external CSS files, the structural appearance in the markup. So, a pair of programmers picks some set of issues to forward. They begin their session with a 30-minute overlap with the previous pair where they hand-off development tasks. And it just hands team to team in a single line through history. The problem is I would like to store styles as metadata in NFTs. Just JS-in-CSS style JSON-formatted styles. I want to insert the contents of that file into the CSS cascade giving it as much descriptive power as possible. So you can redraw your site to your liking. How would that work with CSS modules? You're not generating semantic tag classes & ids, you're creating something to get munged to get the program to work like we want. It is a hack. However, when combined with nested selectors and semantic matching, it is a really powerful way to target styles only to specific portions of the page. What I really need, I guess is that when I create a classes entry for a CSS module I need both the generated classname to pull in the files I've defined, but also the unaltered semantic name so that the user stylesheet can match on it (which is, again, stored in the NFT's metadata).
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1 Reply
dys 🐙
dys 🐙OP2y ago
Is my question clear? I guess what I'm looking for are other themable systems that leverage CSS modules.

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