C#3y ago

❔ Options Pattern for injecting configuration

I have a class library (Infrastructure) which has code that injects services in the service container. I want to inject configuration from my appsettings.json using the options patterns and the scope of the class representing the config section (JwtTokenOptions) is limited to the class library. How can I do this? This is what I have done after reading from microsoft docs and it doesn't seem to work. Thanks. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/extensions/options#optionsbuilder-api
Options pattern - .NET
Learn how to use the options pattern to represent groups of related settings in .NET apps.
5 Replies
BananaPie3y ago
Maybe you are missing the Binder package?
BananaPie3y ago
or you can just do "Configure" like this:
BananaPie3y ago
then you just pull it in using IOptions<YourOptions> value
riazuezraOP3y ago
yup I was missing this package microsoft.extensions.options.configurationextensions Thanks! o7
Accord3y ago
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