C#17mo ago

❔ Check for background progress

Hello, i am try to use the backgroundWorker to check for a running background progress to get the ID of it and update the progress of this in a label. but i am stuck in how to make this as seperate thread and update the label and check if the progress is present at any time or not https://i.imgur.com/YCRg83z.png Maybe someone can give some tips or help?
3 Replies
ACiDCA717mo ago
did you check the docs? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.componentmodel.backgroundworker?view=net-7.0 long story short when initializing the worker you set WorkerReportsProgress = true; then do your stuff in the the backgroudnworker, and when you want to to show the some update call ReportProgress
BackgroundWorker Class (System.ComponentModel)
Executes an operation on a separate thread.
JustZerooo17mo ago
okay, so i can loop stuff in worker in own thread inside process yes what i try todo is check each 250ms if process with name is active and update this thime the label with the name i give so each 250ms is a check in seperate thread. or can it be done in better way
Accord17mo ago
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