aiming tips
any tips on how to aim? i keep having bad spray fights and the urge to crouch spray and ive tried learning counter strafing but im still not good at 

35 Replies
very good shot
jett do you want to be 

unranked, level 15 new player
Why show a clip of you dominating and asking for advice. Look at the clips you did poorly in
i dont have any clips doing poorly
this is aworse clip
I am level 83 and only have slightly better aim
Damn bro
U good
idk i watch pro players but this was just tracing..
you are way too good for level 15 dawg you're going to climb so fucking fast
nah dude not maybe you do not need tips you are already gold level
i definitely need tips, this is just 1 clip but i choke alot and get in ugly spray battles..
you'll get better as you play. you're struggling because of your lack of game knowledge
thanks mate!
damn u got good aim
this looks like high diamond level aim
you do not need tips for the fore seeable future
NA diamond

Unbind crouch and do lots of deathmatches
oh nah bro got diamond in ohio
I didn’t say he was diamond !
yes im referring to the aim you got some ohio level diamonds
respectfully, the movement is trash
that is literally 50% of aim 

but if his aim is that consis
raw aim cuz that’s what he asked for lmao
the only thing he added as a negative was that its not

its 80% consistent
still learning strafing
I'm agree that your aim is good. But not everyone right. If this post isn't joke then just play aim lab, and you might know that some enemies in ranked wont be too bad as players from icebox clip. Just play aim lab, you dont even need spraying in valo, just hit head or do a easy srpay with only 5 bullets, guaranteed kill. So just play aim lab, aim lab and more aim lab.
also forgot to tell you that you are doing overpeek
its not a joke, im only level 17
thx for the tips
aimlabs dont help
it only helps u with mouse control
you're better off practicing in the game itself
your gonna improve your gamesense at the same time
it does
just set your valo sens xd
i improved my aim so much in 10 hours
Aimlabs only helps to a point. It's better for getting used to a new mouse or sense or aim style for the first time. Val is not really an aim intensive game compared to most, you'll find more value in just playing the game.