Penalty for leaving matches
please stop giving out penalties for leaving matches (except for ranked games) its really annoying having to wait 2 HOURS just to play bc i left a swift play match
15 Replies
you are punished for leaving the game and ruining the experience for other players
that is how it works and i can assure you that is how it will remain
my internet got pulled
that sucks, but it's also something on your end and not riot's, therefore you are still penalized
riot shouldnt keep penalizing ppl otheriwse its gonna bite their asses hard
its not. its not going to do anything to them.
the pentalties are fair
maybe a little bit harsh but its there to make people not want to do it
im banned ffor 152 hours of ranked bc i got pulled
yeah but that doesnt just happen off of one incident. its a stacking/ramping punishment system, the more you do it, the worse the punishment gets
you have a history of doing this
thats why its so long
thats was the 1st time
yeah dude i know thats not true
dodging counts by the way
if you do that
say whatever you want man
but im well aware its not true
you do not get a 152 ban for a one time leave dude
thats not how the system works and it doesnt just give out extra long bans

do you have a chat restriction maybe?
honestly ridiculous
well does it say you do when you try to type in chat
it should blatantly show up