mouse problem
hi idk if this is the right place to ask but how do i fix my mouse when playing?
here's the thing;
it started a week ago or two, when i was playing, my mouse is acting weird, like it doesnt shoot when i hold click mb1 (im just using the double click rn), then it also randomly stops when holding. i hope someone can help me, thank you!!
im using win 11
18 Replies
do you have this type of problem outside of valorant
im not sure, i only have experienced it on valorant game
does it double click and whatnot just while using it normally
but if so, can you help me?
well i am trying aren't I?
Could it be that it's not actually your mouse
If you have packet loss then it could just not send the inputs
let me see the stat
one moment
but its like, when i hold click my mouse, it doesnt spray after a mouse click(once)
packet loss could do that
if its severe enough
although if it was taht severe you would very obviously notice it so i doubt thats it
what kind of mouse do you have
i dont think its packet loss
this one is uhh..
A4Tech Mouse
could it possibly not the mouse?
Those are low quality office mice. It is probably the low quality of the mouse that is causing it
They are not designed for gaming
You should look into getting a gaming mouse
You can get a decent one for only around 50$
so ,its the mouse. thank you so much!!
alright ty
Yeah. No problem
been using it for more or less two years, maybe time to replace it lol
thanks for the help
question, what is/causes the problem if that happens?
like it double clicked when i pressed button 1 once
Yeah that happens to mine as well. Its most likely that ur mouse is just old enough to replace it
oh thank you, i thought there was something wrong in my laptop