Error deploying Astro Site

I’m getting this error deploying my Astro site on Pages: “Error: @astrojs/image is not supported with the @astrojs/cloudflare adapter. “ Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
1 Reply
Dave P
Dave POP3y ago
I guess I didn’t ask the right question. I’m using an Astro theme. I added Cloudflare Adapter. Do I just need to pick another theme? Do I need to update something? Im trying to figure out what to do. Fair enough. I already posted on Astro. I’ll just wait for a response there. Thanks. There it is. My bad: “For faster builds and more fine-grained control of image transformations, install sharp in addition to @astrojs/image if You are building a static site with Astro. You are using an SSR deployment host that supports NodeJS using @astrojs/netlify/functions, @astrojs/vercel/serverless or @astrojs/node. Note that @astrojs/image is not currently supported on Cloudflare SSR @astrojs/deno @astrojs/netlify/edge-functions @astrojs/vercel/edge”

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