Val error code 5 keeps happening after every game
every game without fail i have to restart my pc to play because it pops up with error code 5, any fix?
14 Replies
did you ever see error code val 152
at any point
yeah dude you're hardware ID banned
maybe im confusing it with another code
cause i can still queue games but i have to restart every time
i just got it again and its val code error 57
constant val 5 after val 152 is HWID
i just got error code 7
what do u even do to get a hardware ban
Bro is collecting error codes like pokemon cards
i have no idea
what is happening
Dude I don't know either you have so many error codes
do i have to make a new profile or sm on my pc
i uninstalled riot and val twice
this shit mad annoying
Contact riot support. I don't really know how to help you
thanks anyway
when i try to que comp i crashed
for one time
nvm i restarted my wifi and everything is good