why every time when I run valorant I have this fps? and on other games like Fortnite I don’t have
It’s only in valorant.. please help
13 Replies
cpu based game vs gpu based game
bad cpu
but on other games like MSFS that has the whole world on it that even 4090 strugguling i can run on 50 fps
It's only in valorant
thats gpu
those lags?
I dont think because a year ago when i had valorant on the same pc i had 60 fps
its your cpu being shit
what cpu do you have

you are using 100% of the cpu?

all of this taing
i dont know what it is
i tried ending task
not working
well theres your problem 👍
reinstall the game
should fix it
The unrealCEF thingy is valorant
yes. but its only supposed to be one there. not like 30 of them
reinstalling usually fixes it