refund issues
I tried refunding my neptune vandal (using the one time thing) a week ago, but I still haven't gotten my VP back. If you've refunded items before, can you please tell me how long it took for you?
70 Replies
are you sure you did it right
can i see the ticket
the full ticket
sorry for the late reply, i was at basketball practice
i didn't submit a ticket, i used the refund option
that doesnt work
you cant refund used items
or upgraded
it said there was a one time exception thouggh
yeah you need to make a ticket for that
ohh i see
thank you so much
bless you have a good day
you too
if you need help making it lmk
sorry, i have another question
before when i tried to refund my neptune vandal, it gave me the radianite back
What do you mean?
does that mean i won't have the one time exception anymore
like when i tried refunding using the website
does that mean i won't have the one time exception anymore?
Um it shouldn't of even worked
Using the website
i don't know why but it refunded my randianite
Just contact riot support and explain the situation and if you already got your radanite back just say you wanted the gun refunded as well
okay sure thank you 🙏
you dont need the ticket for one time exception
i accidentally did that to my reaver phantom
but riot devs were nice
i asked them if i could
refund vandal
through a ticket
thats what i told him
you have to do it through a ticket
u dont need a ticket
its just i accidentally did the one time exception
on my phantom skin
so i asked through a ticket to give back phantom skin and refund vandal skin
you need the ticket u goof
you literally just said you used a 

why didn’t it work

bro... can you read my message. I did the one time exception on my reaver phantom without a ticket because I didn't know it existed. THE ONLY REASON I USED THE TICKET is to get my reaver phantom back in exchange for refunding a different skin.
refunding my reaver phantom didn't require a ticket
Dunno. It should’ve worked
bruh should i try again or support get mad if i ask same stuff 2 times ?
it needs to be within 90 days of purchase btw
also btw, can someone please tell me how long it takes for riot to respond to a refund ticket?
it's been like around 2-3 days and i still haven't gotten a reply yet
one of my friends got an reply in around 7 hours so it's a little concerning
first come first serve can take a few days
around how long though? i'm really desperate because i have the xenohunter in my shop rn and i kinda wanna get it
a couple days
I have a question on refunding to
and i replied to your post
did you get a bot response yet
the automatic bot response
to your ticket
yep i got one and then i replied to him
through email and on the website
yeah you did everything
you just have to wait
alright thanks
anything you send through email wont be
its a no-reply email
oh i see
only site
pretty sure you don't need to actually contact support to do the one time refund. worked perfectly for me, got my vp back.
i tried that, but for some reason it only returned the radianite
How do u do it without riot support
just refund from the refund site
go to the valorant refunds page, and log in, and it'll show you if you have anything for eligible refunds
idk what the link is
its a red button called "/refund"
thats weird
yeah, i'm a little bit scared that i wont be able to use my one time anymore because of that

It says only 15 to
And it’s like only the Variants
Does that mean I can only refund the variants not the actual skin
yeah it was the same for me, but there was a message disclaimer, saying the whole skin would be refunded
i refunded the entire skin
and radianite
Ohhh so I can choose any of the variants of the skin that I want to refund
And did I like get the creds right away or did u have to wait
i got mine instantly
Mk Mk
it didn't work for me, i would submit a ticket just in case
because i'm not sure if my one time exception got used on refunding the radianite
Yeah prolly a good idea if they don’t do anything they kinda scammed u
yeah i'm a little stressed out lol
anyway gl, i hope you get the oni katana

support said that i can’t get a refund because it’s been used, even though i told him that i haven’t used my one time yet… how should i respond
yeh idk man
you got unlucky and got an incompetent player support
damn that sucks… can i submit another ticket and pray that i don’t get the same person?
i really want a refund
yeah but they can check ticket history
mightback up their co
can try

I got a reply from Riot, they didn't refund my skin. Use the ticket. Better safe than sorry