Can I use edge analytics with Pages?

Hi. Pages have a built-in, free web analytics via their JavaScript beacon but I have also seen mention of Edge analytics elsewhere (for anyone on a paid plan) - are edge analytics also available for Pages? ... Looks like Edge analytics have a full built in dashboard and would be easy to setup once I'm using Cloudflare's DNS?
Cloudflare Pages
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4 Replies
Walshy3y ago
What analytics are you asking about? The general CF analytics are available of course, so is Web Analytics You can 1-click enable Web Analytics in the Pages dash. General analytics are always available in the CF dash
arcorunOP3y ago
Hey, ya the general one adds javascript to your code, the other 'edge' does not, it comes from the logs I think - I noticed Edge requires a paid plan so I thought they may be a difference.
Walshy3y ago
Ah you mean the more detailed server side ones. The general ones are already server side and data we already have But yeah, if you just upgrade your zone to Pro, you'll have the more indepth analytics
arcorunOP3y ago
Ah ok, that explains it, perfect and thank you!

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