My account had been banned for 3rd party software but I dont have any cheats on my pc its a new pc.
T_T I only use timer resoultion to cut down my timer resoultion I wanna get unbanned in the game and my account cause I spent over 1k on it
12 Replies
We can't help you. They don't unban for 3rd party software cheats either
The only thing I can help you with is trying to narrow down what got you banned
same sht happened with me rn
but i have nothing on my pc and im always doing new accounts just to play the game and i still get banned
i want atleast 1 acc to not get banned
Because you’re hardware ID banned
is there any fix to this, i just got banned for the same thing but i litterally have nothing else opened when i play val
anything on your pc malicious can be counted as a cheat (ex cheats for minecraft)
HWID (hardware) bans last up to 4 months
You can make a new account and start again
i’m not hardware banned i can play on other accounts i just simply lost this one
Well there is not much you can do about it, riot doesn’t simply revoke bans by third party application
You could create a ticket but it’s pretty unlikely
The only thing you can do if you want to continue playing valorant is just make a new account
dang, i just understand why, like i never had anything that inteferes with valorant besides valorant tracker unless someone else got into my account
your pc ban