Competitive ban

i was afk in spike rush but how ever i still got a 30days ban in competitive and i was just only afk for 1 round is it fair?
5 Replies
Sara ♡
Sara ♡3y ago
if you've been actioned for it before and you keep doing it punishment will escalate
Udit Vegad
Udit VegadOP3y ago
But it wasn't even my fault it was because my pc lagged about one round and idk some one reported me as afk i did even tell the valorant support but they do nothing @(capy) Sara ♡ #ChipiChipi anything to reduce my ban?
Sara ♡
Sara ♡3y ago
Udit Vegad
Udit VegadOP3y ago
pls I wanna play Comp 🥹🥹 U mod U do something 🥹
Sara ♡
Sara ♡3y ago
We dont work for riot.

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