23 Replies
How the fuck is it not working
nobody here knows how to fix it
i see this same issue daily and theres been nobody able to fix it
contact riot support
right click on val
click properties
go to compatibility
holy shit do you have a fix for this
and check "run as administrator"
i think
I already done that
works with other games
ill try another fix
go to services in ur search bar
run it as an admin
and scroll down to vgc
click manual where it says that
and switch to automatic
restart pc
open CMD as admin:
netstat -aon
find something using port 49751
take the process ID and add it to the end of this replacing pid
Taskkill /F /PID pid
the command will look like this
Taskkill /F /PID 15436
These are the ports:
Process ID's are to the far right of that screencap

i alr do dis and it still wont work
just change ur compatibility settings to default

I got a new error now :<
try deleting all the things in %AppData%\Local\Riot Games\Riot Client\Data
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Riot Games\Riot Client\Data actually
%appdata% direct me to the appdata\roaming folder smh lol
owh, use this one %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Riot Games\Riot Client\Data
Disint work
What error?
@optio1 can you help me with the same error
I didn’t understand
just DELETE things in %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Riot Games\Riot Client\Data
highlight both then shift+del, a quick one
if it doesnt work, run
as administrator
and do the things optio1 said
netstat -aon
taskkill /f /pid (PID)
for example, u want to terminate process using port 4699, according to the last row, it's pid is 17872
so u type taskkill /f /pid 17872

@dead.person.here i got a solution for that
re install valorant
works for me
I did that
And it didn’t work
The taskkill doesn’t work
run cmd as administrator