Riot VAN9001

I just downloaded the game on my pc and it gives me this error code and won't let me play the game. Please help me fix this.
6 Replies
Kinito3y ago
You need to enable Secure boot and TPM 2.0 if that doesnt work you need to revert to windows 10
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
It looks like I have tpm 1.2 why would that be
Kinito3y ago
If you have tpm 1.2 you can't play You need tpm 2.0 You can revert to windows 10 and you'll probably be able to play, but no promises
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
why would they do that
Kinito3y ago
?? Because it's a requirement? It's one of the basic system requirements
Optio13y ago
Valorant decided to enforce windows requirements 🤷‍♂️ not sure why they took this step but either way, you can enable TPM 2.0 in bios, normally located under trusted computing. Any recent CPU supports a virtual version of it.

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