Low fps
Im usually on 40 fps with falls to 20 on low end laptop. I tried so hard to have atleast 60, but i cant get it. Tried everything on Youtube, but literally nothing worked. Is it possible to have 60 fps with good graphics?
83 Replies
Not on a low end laptop
So will "decent graphics "change something
Might help, but you're on a low end laptop. Expect low end results
I cant have good colors tho
Because my Nvidia panel
Does not have some option
Like i dont have every option
I cant change saturation and shi
I am confused what this has to do with it?
Some options
That can boost fps
Then try them? If you know of ways to boost your fps why aren't you using them?
Because some options just doesnt show up
I would if it showed up
Okay but what am I supposed to do with that information
I cannot magically make it appear for you
Just tell me some ways to make them show up
If cant why helping?
Because that's not the point of community help
You can't get high fps on low end equiptment
I mean
I can tell you what laptop do i use
Only if you can tell me how to check what model it is

Is there a channel for problems with a "pc" tho
This isnt the place for that
This is for valorant issues not computer issues
But theres literally a tag technical issues
Yeah... for error codes...
That’s not a problem tho
Valorant error codes...
You have a low end pc
Valorant errors
Expect low end gaming
If you want to find ways to maximize your fps, do your own research
I’m great at tweaking and stuff but I can’t really help you on a laptop
It would just overheat
And become unusable
Idk if its low. I could make sure if it is(i think it is) if someone would tell me how to check the model :/
You don’t know your laptop model?
The best ways to increase fps are to keep your drivers up to date, lower graphic settings, lower the resolution
That’s like the tip of the iceberg
Idk its model cuz i got it after my brother died so
Dodnt check that
We really did not need a trauma dump
Just to make sure
That no one will think im a dumbass
It's a little late for that
Cause i dont know my laptops model
Google could've gotten you every single bit of information you wanted from this entire post
Search how to check laptop model
Ok ime checking wait
There might be a model number on the back of your laptop
Still nothing we can do for you
Even if you get it
Oh shi
The question was if your laptop was low end right?
I have da powerfull processor
Intel core i3
That's low end
but okay
It was sarcastic ;d
What generation
It won’t just say i3
They should be a number after it
Like i3 8100

Ok yeah that’s pretty old
I3 3rd gen…
Aw man
Still cant find model of my laptop
It’s ok
Honestly, just save up for a new pc
Nvidia is bugged
CNt update the driver cause it sayd i picked the wrong model
But i choose the right model
Nvidia GeForce 720M
Nvidia Geforce GT 720M
Yeah you have a horrid laptop
Is it normal that i have 2 graphic cards?
They might have been good parts at the time but they are very out dated
Not really
Second is Intel HD Graphics 4000
You have complete and utter shit laptop
Its a miracle you can get 40 fps
That would be the graphics integrated into your cpu most likely
Still cant update graphics
Tried to search on yt
Nothing showed up
Also o have no battery
nothing you can do is going to make you be able to reach 60 fps
your laptop is horrendous
Aw man
How much for a ready pc that can have atleast 120 in valo
I am getting monthly 100zł
few hundred usd
like around $600 usd or smth
It is not thst bad
around 400-500€
Ig ima have to save
Thx for help tho
I appreciate that
Oh nah what is ur setup 💀💀
A shit laptop
Bloody a70 mouse
Some random trust keyboard
Random trust Headphones for 25€
And samsung 60hz monitor
why do you have a keyboard and monitor
On my old pc, I had an i3 8100 and could get a stable 120 fps
when you have a laptop
Most people do that if they’re laptop gamers ?
The laptop has a small screen
that defeats the entire purpose of owning a laptop..
Depends on what laptop u are
Well... no...
It defeats the laptop's purpose lmao
It's no longer a portable setup
I found the model
Asus R510c
No? At home you can connect the laptop to the monitor and kb then when u work or go to school unplug it…
I got 60fps
On lowest possible settings