I keep getting this error when I run the game
When i run the game i keep getting this error and i have researched online about it and nothing was helpful. Does anyone have a clue on why that i happening?

17 Replies
I have never seen that before. Restart pc and try again?
i have tried that and reinstalled vanguard but still get the same issue
I have seen this so many times and I still can’t find a fix
I am still searching
Grasping at straws (havent actually had the problem so its hard to troubleshoot) but try this:
open command prompt as admin
netstat -aon
taskkill /F /PID pid
- where PID is the process ID of the task using port 51330
Ports are underlined and process IDs are to the far right.
it didnt work
problem is fixed
can you say what did you do?
I'm having the same issue
I deleted Valorant and riot from windows settings
And reinstalled it
I thought it wouldn’t work but I did since a friend of mine told me
can you elaborate it please?
you just deleted em from settings?
thats it?
il show
delete from here

both riot games and valorant
then reinstall
alright thank you, ill try it
did it work?
it didn't
i had to revert back to an old restore point I created
try making a new acc
Now it's fixed
Ty tho