28 Replies

note; old photos, but i don't think ascent ever changed terrain, so these will work
Nah all should work still
Common vipermain w
Oh my goodness I needed these a ones
shut up nerd
common Meta L
I don't Understand?
use the snakebite diamond for the lineup in 1-4, the x is for crosshair
I still don't understand
look at the top left corner of the image, the snakebite deploy icon diamond is what you'll line up with instead of your crosshair.
you place them on the points on the vents
problem with this is that it takes way too long to run back to site after using lineups. probably better to just play on site and defend it using mollys and smoke orb
bro, it's nera
all lineups no aim
Lineups are overrated
Nevertheless nice lineups
Doesnt it show like
The trajectory
And where its gonna land
On the minimap
In customs
Only the orb
I didn't know chest sheets were a thing lol
average viper main:
Quick q, can you take some screenshots of where you’re standing for each of those?
Back left in b lobby and in front of the green box in a main
K thanks
How precise do you have to be with lining up the diamond thingy for B since I tried lineup for infront of gen in game and it missed
A site? As long as you know the spot it'd pretty easy to line up you have a small amount of wiggle room besides probably to ones on either side of gen or trash pile
Not bad dud