why is my rr gains and losses so bad?

Im playing against people in my rank and im losing so much more than i gain
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6 Replies
nat3y ago
Bro ur going through the same shit? Urs doesn’t even look bad I gain like 15 and lose like 20 Even if I’m decent
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
valorant is making me cry 😢 but like usually earlier this act and the acts before, id gain more than id lose because i performed well but losing 20 rr for match mvp in same elo?
JSN3y ago
you only lost that much because its 13-7
steveg3y ago
ur mmr is just high
Kinito3y ago
because of the score. you're a higher rank so stuff like that affects it much more than in the lower ranks this is because your mmr is low and the game thinks you should be a lower rank
nat3y ago
i am above immortal players sometimes and get 29 - 28 kills and mulitples kills never 10 -

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