Uncaught cheater in Ranked

You can see the blatant cheating here and it took away my 36rr and my climb to ascendant , if any Devs here please help me get back my RR and ban the cheater and Pheonix he was boosting
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me3y ago
If you have a VOD you can post a link directly to Riot Support here: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360003879633 If all you have is your suspicions, you should report them in-game. You can do this from the scoreboard, even in the match summary after the match. Just select "Report" from the context menu of the player. Other than that, you gotta just move on. No one here can do anything about a cheater in-game.

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