How can I get the gap between my grid elements smaller?

I'm working on a project for college and I have an article and an aside which are in a grid so they appear next to each other like the reference provided (see image 1). However there is a massive gap between my elements and I can't figure out how to reduce it down to about 1 rem (see image 2). I have provided my code in this JSFiddle: How can I fix this? Thanks
grid problem - JSFiddle - Code Playground
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image 1 (reference)
image 2(my result)
2 Replies
Mannix3y ago
you have a massive margin set on the grid children (article and aside elements) use column-gap instead to make the gap
Lord Of Insanity
Lord Of InsanityOP3y ago
That makes sense, I put those margins on the grid children before I set their parent to grid and I guess I just forgot to remove the margins. Thanks man

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