Creating timeslots on timeline with CSS

Im trying to figure out what is the best way to create timeslots on a timeline. Currently Im using a linear gradient that is transparent in certain places. Im thinking its a stupid solution. What version of these two would be best? The animation is just to show to I imagine it works. Ill track a 'box' inside from left to right.
1 Reply
dys 🐙
dys 🐙2y ago
Coincidentally, as I was reading this there's a tutorial on KRITA's animation interface — — playing in another window. They have the ability to slide frames around and it seems pretty solid. What I really really want to see is a GUI for doing keyframes and <animate> animations in SVG. If I ever had a software team at my disposal, that would definitely be on their plates. SVG, particularly, CSS styled SVG is sorely underutilized.
Winged Canvas
How to Animate in KRITA for Beginners!
Want to try animating in Krita? This video covers all the basic functions you will need to know to get started in animation! Instructor Josh covers frames, onions skins, exporting, and other important details. Make sure to watch our introduction video to Krita to get familiar with the tools, functions and technical aspects:

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