Does anyone want to help me and my friend improve???? :D

I don't have money, but I can offer an invaluable friendship that will last until the end of time. We are both hardstuck gold and think that we are fairly good for the rank, but we can never push out! This is why I am reaching out to see if anyone would like to tell us what we are doing wrong and what we can improve. Basically coaching but instead of money you get two lifetime best friends. pls help us out we will forever be grateful!
8 Replies
Kinito17mo ago
uh no
genjigod17mo ago
Kinito17mo ago
just buy coaching or look for a free vod review coach such as woohoojin
genjigod17mo ago
but i would like a new friend as well it would be so fun! we are very lovely people
Kinito17mo ago
if you want to find players to play with there is #looking-for-group
genjigod17mo ago
ok 🫡
Kinito17mo ago
if you want to find coaching then well theres plenty of sites and places getting both is something you cant reasonably expect however
elonely17mo ago
are you a guy