❔ Easy way to make a controller not visible in swagger ui

Hey guys this controller still in development so I would like to hide it out of swagger ui does ASP.NET have annotation to help me easily hide it ?
4 Replies
mtreit17mo ago
This answer seems to imply that no longer exists in Swashbuckle 5.x, but not sure: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33176319/restrict-access-to-certain-api-controllers-in-swagger-using-swashbuckle-and-asp They give an example of marking the methods with [Obsolete] to cause them to be ignored.
TotechsStrypper17mo ago
Well obsolete != in development My teammate are easily confused
mtreit17mo ago
Yeah I find that a bit lame personally but it might be a workaround. Just add a comment.
Accord17mo ago
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