my game running at low fps
im only fairly low specs hardware but im running a custom windows ISO which usually allows me to run the game at a stable 60+ in the range (bot area) but now its dropped down to running at around 19 fps and single digits when im in an actual match
can some explain and help me out here
9 Replies
Your computer isnt able to handle the game
Range has no abilities, only you, and only renders stuff in when you're near it
bro did u not here the part where it used to be fine
A real match has well over triple the stuff to render
No. I didn't. Because you never mentioned it.
i know and i usually can play the game just fine
fucking read my meassage plz
I did.
Three times.
You said you can run it in the range usually fine
But you can't run it in an actual match.
i can run the mathc just fine
I refuse to help an individual who decides to be rude because of their own mistake. GOodbye.
dont think threads work like that
also if u updated ur drivers recently u can go back to the old ones
or go to task manager
find valorant x64 or smt (the thing that has a lot of kb) when valo is open
roght click
set priorty
high or realtime