Hello Are you okay?I'm from Brazil and I can't access the discord channels.Would you help me?
Hello Are you okay?
I'm from Brazil and I can't access the discord channels.
Would you help me?
34 Replies
I left and entered and it bugged.
Send a screenshot of your discord
My valorant bugged with error 59 val and does not enter anymore
Okay but what does this have to do with discord?
I just wanted to talk about what's going on with valorant too
Let's just take it one issue at a time please

Go to the first channel up top
react to this message

I've clicked and unclicked about 20 times
Unreact and rejoin the server
Ohhh thank you so much agent!
Did that fix your issue?
Yes Yes
Anything else you need help with today?
Yes Yes, my valorant is with error val 59 every time I enter.

Have you tried restarting your computer?
Reinstall "Riot Vanguard"
I tried too
Uninstall it by going into your Windows Settings -> Apps -> "Riot Vanguard" -> Uninstall
Then restart your computer, and try and join valorant again. It will install the anticheat software again
Not ressolved
Use your Windows search bar and Search "Services"
Locate the "vgc" service and right click it
Go to properties
Change startup type from "manual" to "automatic"
click "apply"
then "ok"
Then restart your pc
Not ressolved
I do not believe you could've completed all that in 3 minutes
I swear to god
I have no idea what else to try
this is all the solutions i could find