Finding a comunity/people to play with
Really sorry if this is in the wrong place,
im 29 and been signed off work. to save myself from my own head i have downloaded Val and really enjoying it so far. but spending the majority of the day on my own and no irl friends into Valorant is not ideal for my mental health. so im looking for some people for regular play, and a good laugh, if anyone has as good places to find some gamer buddies please let me know!
14 Replies
been looking there for days and never get any replies and if i do its someone pretending to be a egirl that wants to hack you xD
hey man sounds good i will check it out!
have u tried the valorant lfg server?
oh u did
nvm then
i hope u find someone fun to play with :D
yeah just did not seem to get anywhere i will keep trying! and thanks!
i would offer to play with u but i dont think i would be fun to play with
ahh whys that? feel free to add my discord and we can catch a game sometime
idk i dont really talk much also ur wayyy older then me so i dont think u would have fun talking with me
seems i way older then everyone who plays this game!
but valorant is enjoyable by all ages tbh
well ima hop on some val
wait what region r u in
did u join the valorant EU server

Hi guys so I being playing valorant only 6 months and still not the best I drop you skins have a good laugh I smoke the weed