39 Replies
Immortal LOL. It doesn't matter too much because it's gonna place you lower than your hidden mmr so you can rank up easier.
this is a aaaaaugh question
diamond looks like high elo to a silver
diamond looks like low elo to an immortal
there’s no good placement
unless you place radiant #1
Oh god then what does a immortal think of a iron…
probably a practical joke lmao
idk I can’t make my ego that big yet since I’m not immo yet
the difference between ascendant to high immortal is larger than iron > ascendant
you cant even place immortal
max is asc 1 for placement ig
nope, the ascendant decree only applies to old accounts
theres literally a clip of tenz placing a new account into radiant
which is above his mains rank

you didn’t read what it says directly underneath it lmao
after the first act of the episode you can place any rank
irons are just people who have lifes 🤣
-former top 1.5k val player!!!!!!!!
After the first act of an episode, you are no longer "placing" a rank. you are just being put at the same rank that you were the act before. the only people this doesn't apply to are radiants/immortals which i believe just get placed immortal somethin
no like if i make an account next act and decide to be god i could place it into radiant
it wouldnt max at asc1
no you cant lmao
you cant place into radiant
thats not a thing
cant send links here, there is a clip of tenz doing it
idk if any1 else has cuz its so braindead
same thing with immo its pretty much impossible
but it still can happen
yeah dude that was a thing 2 years ago
its not anymore
it did happen, you're not incorrect, but that was in the past
its not a thing anymore
if you look hard enough you could probably find people placing smurfs into asc2/3
but its still not realistic
fun part is that's quite literally not in the games code
so its not real
feel free to ask a dev
you cant confirm that
that works in that department
they will confirm
because its not a thing
a fresh account cannot place above asc 1
its not possible
fuck it ill make a support ticket
Go ahead
Ask them if it's possible to place higher than ascendant 1 on a fresh account
im submitting "I know it was previously possible when the RR and MMR systems were way more broken, but is it still possible for a fresh account (an account that has never played competitive before) to place above A1 after this act (after EP6, Act 1). This is because me and another player were curious as to whether it was still theoretically possible due to the clip of TenZ placing into Radiant being quite old, that being before ascendant (when the highest placement for a not-fresh account was D1).", anything wrong?
u know that tenz account wasnt a fresh acc right
i was just saying u cant play radiant like at all anymore
that wasnt fresh
was immortal previously
lemme recheck
i dont think it was placed before
idk placing radiant just doesnt sound
could be wrong ig
like even for riot
rn its braindead
even in riot standards that seems
a bit much no?
back then with arrows you could go from silver > radiant in one game
now its not realistic
at this point its just theoretical
I doubt you actually could do it even if you aced every round in each placement
i cant find any proof that im right or ur right