I get black bars on top and bottom while playing stretched resolution

It works fine with no black bars on desktop when i set it through nvidia control pane, but as soon as I go in valorant i get the black bars. any help or ideas appreciated!
4 Replies
Caesar3y ago
stretched res doesnt rly change anything like cs just makes ur game more pixelized but i think not closing nvidia control panel while ure playing might help keeping the black bars away
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam3y ago
Caesar is right Valorant has no stretch mode, u could use „true stretch“ or what the program was but you’re most likely to get banned
SpxncerOP3y ago
I use stretched for the extra fps and because i overclock my monitor to get a higher refresh rate which only works for a lower resolution. I also much prefer the way stretched looks in game. Again, black bars are at the top and bottom of my monitor when i play stretched on valorant. any other game (ive tried kovaaks, csgo, windows desktop etc) the stretched works completely fine.
obichamXMR3y ago
same for me

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