div h-full takes parent height even if there is a sibling in the same div TailwindCSS
Problem: My div containing my text content overflows its parent whit full height
Desired: The height of the div containing text content to fill the rest of available height of its parent
Code: https://stackblitz.com/edit/web-platform-7gwuv1?file=index.html
9 Replies
If your text is to much, it will overflow, if you do not set overflow.
The element you put
is 100% of its parent (just moved down a bit). If you want an element to take up the remaining space flex-grow
may be the solution you are looking for.Changing the text amount does not change the size of its parent
Unknown User•3y ago
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No i am more referring to this:

i think what you want is a h-full minus the height of the HEADER 😉
How do i get that if i do not know the height of the header ?
you can use js for it
I think i fixed it ...
By making the div containing header and body a Flex dir-col fixed it :p
just grid would also work i guess
but flex is better option