to do for talk, goal is showing a functional desktop with a bit of cool xr stuff
to do for talk:
- talk is march 10
- goal is to show a functional XR desktop with a bit of cool XR-specific stuff
8 Replies
get protostar to be a good enough app launcher (thank you @Viola (Nicola))
create a mystery dof to do 2D pointer and 3D tip (thank you @Ethan Merchant and @opendegree)
find headset/compute to use
make poltergeist have input
update website
finish the actual slides (no thank you @Nova)
practice those slides
make sure everything is actually properly pushed instead of fragments being on sonic (main computer)
if there's time make flatland into a panel shell instead of a panel ui handler
if time get poltergeist to eject panels
if time get telescope updated with new clients (@Saphira Kai if you have time)
hell, if andromeda's ready to go that'd be awesome to demo too
so what i think i could do is:
- a text label, text input singleline, and text input multiline molecules
- Make some sort of basic XR UI framework (probably based off of Eurorack modules)
- try and make an application dock to organize apps in space
I can at least lay out everything in CAD so lets see what i can come up with lmao
i definitely should have time and energy before the talk yeah
for the app dock you can use protostar as a library
what do you mean by framework?
and for text I'd love that
the UI framework would just be like, buttons, sliders, switches and knobs, but in the style of older music equipment
also there's already a text label in fusion so ill just focus on text_input_singleline and text_input_multiline
kinda like this
for style let's use the theme system but for the rest put them in molecules directly
molecules are meant to be higher level building blocks
oh and @Bon Echo make sure to consult
but i'd appreciate the dock first
because that will let us have a collection of clients just ready to go for the demo