Everytime I open Valorant This image pops up. I followed tutorials on line and have secure boot enabled. I have recently change my hardware and reset my drive. Please Help

15 Replies
you also need to have TPM 2.0 enabled
not just secure boot
Alright I eill try that
Thank you
I can’t find my tmp 2.0 I have a NZXT Z590 with an intel chipset and I can’t seem to find it

Lol ok
That’s fine
Try going to the security tab
It might be listed as Intel trusted platform module or something like that
Its under the trusted computing tab in this screen shot, but thats not your issue, you need to update, or delete vanguard and have it reinstall it next time you boot the game.
I have tried that but no luck
Also not in trusted computing

That work! Thank you for everyone who tried to help and will shut the form down later
NZXT must have decided to be different then...

Yeah lol