fps drop
How can i fix my fps drops in comp? My fps is usually 120-140 without capping in swiftplay but in comp i get 30-60 fps even if i turn the background apps off it doesnt help
17 Replies
Your comp is probably overheating
Still i shouldnt get 90 fps less in a different game mode
Getting better PC components would definitely fix it
Im using a laptop so
getting a better device would fix it
I wont spend over 800 euros for valoranz

You probably already have all settings on low, but that is one way to increase fps
yeah everything is on low
could it be because of the drivers? i mean i update them regularly but maybe the old version would be better=?
I doubt it
cuz before i had really good fps
in every game over 120
Before you updated drivers?
maybe idk if its that or something else
Probably something else. I haven’t heard of a new driver decreasing performance
could it be that my laptop is dusty inside?
cuz i didnt clean it