cannot enable secure boot (or downgrade to windows 10)
when i try to enable secure boot it puts me on a no signal screen. someone told me to try downgrading to windows 10 but my pc isn’t compatible with it. does anyone have any way to fix this somehow
26 Replies
No signal screen?
If you arent compatible with win10 IDK what to tell you, you can try buying a tpm2.0 and seeing if that fixes it but I doubt you will be able to recover from this.
yeah imagine this but the text says no signal

i just tried to downgrade today and that’s how i ended up on this screen
No signal means your monitor is not properly hooked up to your computer OR your computer is off and your monitor is on
my monitor has only 1 hdmi port and same with the pc so i dont think that’s it
That's what no signal means lmao
It has appeared before for me
I can assure you that's what no signal means
alright do you know how i can fix the input not supported screen?
i only know how to fix valorant related issues i dont know anything about computers
@based_cumrade do you know how to fix this
i see you're pretty good around pcs
well, if secure boot is doing that it could be a tampered windows install
(improperly signed secure boot keys)
but that’s unlikely
idk if this tells you anything but this is the pc i have

yeah in that case it should definitely be able to use secure boot and tpm 2.0
that’s really odd
Talk to IBuyPower,
trying to get the pc to turn on rn lol
I got it to a no signal screen and realized my pc has 2 hdmis
still not getting anything to show though
If your computer has a graphics card plug your hdmi cable into your gpu and not your motherboard
like into this area?


Try all the hdmi ports on ur computer and monitor
monitor only has 1 hdmi port, the other one on the computer gives me “no signal”
Ok sorry I don’t know a fix to your issue
Probably best to get it looked at by a professional
thanks for trying