42 Replies
I don't understand the issue. Could you explain further

Just got the game and I cannot click I understand
Looks like your game froze up and crashed. Most likely cause of this is your computer not being able to handle the game.
Can I do anything to fix this issue
Or not
Do you know your computer's Specs?
What is that
It is now showing me this

Okay so that just meanas riot vanguard crashed
try restarting your pc and open up valorant again
Stuck on this screen

It has chrashed
what are you playing on lol
that doesnt look like a computer
I think windows 10 pro
Wheres the computer
Windows 10 pro doesnt really work with valorant by the way

Only normal windows 10
I mean it can work
but it causes issues often
So I'm not sure if thats the cause here or not
I'll just delete thank you for your support
Have a good day
Will do
Any suggestion on what computer to buy next
I'm not super technical so I'm not a great person to ask for that lol
Just do your research and I'm sure you'll find something you like
What are your current specs?
Man atleast read the messages that are already posted first
Idk what that is
I have…
then why would you ask the same thing i already did
Sheesh I’m just try to help
Then use all the information already provided before asking to prevent wasting the time of all parties
But have fun
What are they
It's your computer's components
Like what cpu and gpu
I'll see tomorrow
Ok have a good rest of day!