VALORANTβ€’2y ago

Valorant ping going high randomly

Valorant for some reason going up to 100 ping sometimes randomly with high packet loss (normal packet loss when spectating) also only happens in valorant, in other games are fine
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17 Replies
Arhaan :)
Arhaan :)β€’2y ago
ya I randomly got 500 ping but then it goes back to 5 ping in 5 min not flexing
soupβ€’2y ago
ya but the thing is my 100 ping goes for like 10 mins or more
Arhaan :)
Arhaan :)β€’2y ago
how long did you play for? cause when you play valo for a long time it gets a little slow and bugs ALSO YOU ARE LOSING 1 TO 8 LOL
soupβ€’2y ago
ya my ping started dropping on 3 1-3 and it went normal on 1-11 like bro wtf u want me to lose or smthn πŸ’€ the packet loss was average on 5-15% not sure prob like a year or smthn started happening after i upgraded my isp
Arhaan :)
Arhaan :)β€’2y ago
no, I mean like how long whr you in the game XD I fell you man I will be like 11-1 then my net is like nahhh you aint winning going to 11-13 then that is problematic that is the problem most likely is your pc good?
soupβ€’2y ago
totally ine running w core i3 gen 10 gtx 750ti just a normal budget pc
Iskakβ€’2y ago
Is it constant lag every day?
soupβ€’2y ago
yes everyday at least once
Iskakβ€’2y ago
Are you far away from your router?
Arhaan :)
Arhaan :)β€’2y ago
Get Ethernet Wi-fi is very unpredictable One time it will give op net and then other times trash
Iskakβ€’2y ago
yeah Do you have an internet cable?
Arhaan :)
Arhaan :)β€’2y ago
Not bad
Iskakβ€’2y ago
In your pc from a wi-fi booster or the router?
soupβ€’2y ago
i always use ethernet thats the thing that confuses me i alr use ethernet
Arhaan :)
Arhaan :)β€’2y ago
Then idk Contact riot ig
soupβ€’2y ago
rip ty
Minggggggβ€’17mo ago
same i got high ping randomly and it's so annoying i don't even know how to fix it i try every ways even buy a vpn and it's still not work