VAN 1067
i was told this was caused by tpm 2.0 or secure boot. this is what i see when i go to windows security-- is there anything wrong that i should fix? and how?

43 Replies
why are you in windows security
you need to go into bios
not windows security
ive been to bios ofc
ppt is enabled, and so is secure boot
this is the tpm in windows security
i was wondering if the error had anything to do with the not ready/supported under status
ppt is not tpm 2.0
you need to enable tpm 2.0
if you dont have it you cant play valorant until you get it
oh. no wonder 🙃
how do i check if i have it
and if i dont, by "getting it" do you mean a physical chip, or...?
yes it is a physical chip
how come ive been able to play val until now?
I couldn't ever tell you
you really shouldn't of been

i kinda feel like i do
but maybe its disabled?
thats what i think it is lol
you just gotta find it
would you by any chance know how to do this
I just go off of google, so that's your best bet
windows 11 requires tpm 2.0 to play val, windows 10 does not iirc?
I hackintosh, so i need secure boot and such turned off- so I stay on windows 10 on my dual boot hackintosh
thanks for the info-- if all else fails, ill try to revert back to windows 10
And to play val, you need to find and reset TPM 2.0 keys and turn it back on, then set it to CUSTOM in bios
You also need secure boot on if you’re on windows 11
do you mean windows 10 or 11?
On windows 11
if you wanna stay on 11
im assuming you mean clearing the tpm 2.0, right?
or is this smth else
he is a lot more tech knowledgable than i am so i will leave you in his help
yep clear TPM 2.0 keys and reset it
and it has to be tpm, not ppt?
Should be called either TPM or TPT/TXT (trusted platform technology/trusted execution technology)
PTT is the same as TPM
but not PPT
sorry meant ptt
im going to go to bios rn
so i went to bios, clicked on the clear tpm box, clicked apply changes and saved them to custom, and exited. it seemed to work-- the tpm was "ready for use," and storage was ready under status (it wasnt before, so i took that as a good sign). i then tried to open val, but it said i need a system restart to play the game, but after i did, it asked for my recovery key. but now everything's back to not ready, and val says 1067

Please help me, my pc is Monster Abra A5 V16.7
I was open the tmp 2.0 and security boot
how can ı solve this?
are you using windows 11
revert to windows 10
@kinito I can't because everything will be erased
then you cant play
it ought to be big problem for valorant
because so many people use win 11
Not really
It's only an issue for a small amount of people
exactly so
That's all there is to it
You either back up your shit and then revert and get to play the game, or you don't revert and you can't play
when i clear the tpm, it sets it to ready, but reverts it back to "not ready" the next time i restart my computer. how should i fix this?
dead cmos battery perhaps? replacing the little battery on your motherboard may help with that. Try clearing it, then turn it off, then back on
clear tpm, turn ptt to off, then back on?
all in one go or between restarts
all in one go
alright ill try that thanks
other than that idk what would help besides replacing cmos battery with a fresh one