comp queue
everytime i play comp i get the worst teamates and i keep going down i just dont think its fair
30 Replies
Do you need assistance that can be provided by a member of the community such as yourself?
and it happens every match, either my team is really bad or 1 of our team member disconect
I do not see how anyone can assist you in this matter
What rank are you
and every match i play
If you’re in bronze, it’s not your teams fault
Your teamates are obviously going to be bad in bronze
It's common sense, no?
You can’t call your teammates bad when you are also bronze
You're at the second lowest rank in the entire game
It's reasonably expected
how am i meant to rank up when my team is unranked
You are probably making a lot of mistakes and brushing them off to scapegoat teammates
last match the harbor on my team was trolling
and its not fair how am i ment to rank up when i get unraked teamates or my team has shit internet
I get trolls in high immortal+ as well, it’s just part of the game because the moderation for it is lackluster
Except the difference is in immortal+ it’s way harder to makeup for someone trolling
Think of it this way:
If you yourself is not a bad player, then you have a chance of 4 bad teamates on your team. The enemy has a chance of 5.
how do i rank up with getting a good team
You carry
Because it’s bronze
im hardstuck bronze 2
Improve your own gameplay and you will be able to carry bronze
If you want help improving, I can give you some advice
how do i improve pls
If you want to DM me
I can help you improve
i dmed you
I understand the frustration of trolls though
Inevitably you will realistically rank up if this is the situation
Valorant Tracker?
I am in bronze as well but I rank up to B3 and immediately there is an instalock kayo throwing
He doesn't buy anything and grenades and flashes us
That can count as "affecting my gameplay”
Well it doesn’t change regardless of rank
There are plenty of throwers in high elo too
You just have to make do
Or record and send a ticket so they are banned since the automated system is horrid at picking up throwers unless they go like 0-30-0 numerous games in a row AND get mass reported
They were 2-24 or something like that
i got a new pc and i lag so much
and my old mouse broke so i have my old one its so bad
i deranked twice
now im at s2
step 1: turn down graphics
step 2: get better mouse
step 3: get better
step 4: radiant