Low CPU and GPU usage in game with 160 FPS max
hello, I have trouble getting high fps in game while my processor only go to 20% usage max and pretty much the same for my gpu...
is there a way to solve this or is this just a multi-threading issue ?
my specs are :
ryzen 7 5800H
RTX 3070 Laptop 100w
16GO ram 3200 Mhz
SSD storage
60° max on both GPU and CPU while playing, go to 80 in other games
mangage to go to >400 fps in fortnite
49 Replies
did you used charging when you are playing ??
sometime low power battery can also drop fps
either way I would only be able to play for 5 min xd
that why pc is good
wdym ?
i have 600w power supply
where can I find this ?
nothing buy a good charger for your laptop
well, my pc go att max GPU / CPU load on other game, so I guess that shouldn't be the pb
i get 230 fps in gtx 960
are u on fixed computer ?
I mean desktop
and not laptop ?
playing with charging is only the way to fix it
I play while charging
playing with charging you only get 160??
60 when not
I think I just saw something, I saw that some of the task are on my integrated GPU
but it's sopposed to be on my main I don't know why
go grafic stiing and set you game o nrtx
I already did
but my task manager tell me it use both
hello, I have trouble getting high fps in game while my processor only go to 20% usage max and pretty much the same for my gpu...
is there a way to solve this or is this just a multi-threading issue ?
my specs are :
ryzen 7 5800H
RTX 3070 Laptop 100w
16GO ram 3200 Mhz
SSD storage
60° max on both GPU and CPU while playing, go to 80 in other games
mangage to go to >400 fps in fortnite
putting it again so people can help too
my gpu is barely at 10 % xd
maybe you just have your fps capped
How can my fps get capped outside of a game ? (i have pretty much the same fps on fortnite in low graphics, but with a bit more gpu usage)
nvidia settings
can cap your overall fps
I put it in unlimited
I actualy don't think it is capped, because it go from 150 to 250 fps
Sometimes it even hit 300 or more
valo is cpu heavy
valo doesnt really use gpu much
well, my cpu is at 30%
but I just saw that my game use my integrated graphics vram...
also games that dont need all of your cpu wont use it
mine is usually around 50% with 160 fps
you can overclock if u want
theres most likely a reasons your cpu is at 30%
so it's just the max I can get from this cpu ?
is this because it's a laptop ?
i mean i got a pc and its only usually at 50%
idk if theres a way to use more without overclock or smt
u can go to task manager
go to properites
find like val smt
(should be using a lot of kb if valo is open)
because some of my friends use gpu have 400 100 fps with pretty much the same cpu
and set it to high or realtime
idk if that helps too much but it worked for me
like 40 more fps
prob cuz i watched yt while playing valo lol
I already did that
oh idk then
are you cpu temps high?
do you know ur temps when playing
u can try a laptop cooler
those tend to work for laptops
it go way higher when I play horizon
what temps usually
50 ~
dunno if u use degrees or farenheit
yeah ngl i dont really know how to fix ur issue sry man
i figure it has smt to do with being a laptop maybe?
or just valo not using much cpu
I'm already thanksfull that u tried
valorant use my intergrated graphics for vram, I guess that's part of the problem, it's the only thing at 100%

oh thats weird
as fk
I saw someone use my specs to get 400fps on the game so I'm pretty sure there is a pb
idk i feel like it would be smt with amd prob
maybe there is a way to prioritze your gpu instead of intergreateed
this prob wont work but you can go to the windows search bar and type in like apps or smt
and set valo to high performance
maybe power or smt
i forgot what it was exactly
graphics settings mb
and u can see if valo is high performance (i figure it is so this prob wont work sry)
but i mean thats hte only reason i can think of valo not using your gpu over intergrated
cuz i think u can set valo to the right gpu there (hopefully?)
I already tried all this ... that's annoying
or maybe it's not the game but the screen
yeah sry bro... u prob already checked ur bios but if u didnt u can also check there
it might get better if I just put it all on my RTX
put what on it
my screen display
oh yeah you can try that
just put everytihng you csan on the rtx tbh lol
no point in using intergrated
integrated suck